For the first time in 12 years, executions are to resume in South Carolina but not without some questions. Back in May, the state passed a secretive shield law allowing the state to quietly and secretly buy the drugs needed to kill people.
Correction officials in South Carolina have announced that after several failed attempts, they’ve managed to somehow obtain the pentobarbital drug. Pentobarbital is a drug used to as you might’ve guessed execute people. The state hasn’t had their hands on the drug in a while because pharmacies finally wised up and decided to stop selling it — out of fear of being publicly identified and ridiculed.
That’s where the SHIELD law comes in. According to reports, it was only after passing the law that Department of Corrections officials were actually able to procure a supplier of the drug because pharmacies were so vehenebtly opposed.
The state has indicated that executions are set to assume with a whopping 34 people set to be killed. It comes as the anti death penalty movement across the world has grown in recent years.
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