A new lawsuit filed this week now seeks to have a rematch over what occurred in the Upper West Side in regards to dozens of homeless men and others placed at the Lucerne Hotel. According to the New York Post, De Blasio removed those folks from the Lucerne and now intends to put them even further downtown without ever having consulted people among Wall Street and downtown Manhattan.
People have since filed a lawsuit amid claims that De Blasio didn’t consult anyone; didn’t survey the Wall Street area, and furthermore didn’t consult with local businesses about how that may hit their businesses as a whole. The organisation, called Downtown New Yorkers Inc, quickly filed a lawsuit amid reprots of the move and immediately seeks an injunction to stop it from happening.
The city has reacted recklessly and erratically by repeatedly uprooting these individuals based on political pressure,’ Christopher Brown, who is a co-founder of the group, told the Post.
‘We believe that the homeless men are better served by remaining on the Upper West Side, where they have access to extensive social programs, including a powerful jobs program, that are not available in Lower Manhattan.’
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