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A serial killer is on the loose in Stockton California, police have now issued a warning to locals

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Police in Stockton California has issued a stark warning to locals this week amid the connection of physical evidence to at least 7 grisly murders/shootings. According to police, 6 men and 1 woman have been shot since early April in murders that are all now believed to be connected by physical evidence. The only survivor according to police is in fact the woman dating back to the original April shooting. A man was shot dead in Oakland six days prior to this shooting.

Locals are being asked to avoid unlit areas at night and not to walk alone where possible. If you are in the area and must leave your home at night hop in the car. If that isn’t possible, someone needs to know where you are at all times.

5 Murders Since July May Be Work of Serial Killer

A map of the crime scenes.   (Stockton Police Department)

The original story from last night ‘s Bazaar Daily UK reports:

At first, police were singing one tune that 5 murders weren’t the work of a violent serial killer. Now though police are sounding a potential alarm following 5 different murders since July all involving men. Cops say that since July, 5 men one white and all the rest Latino, have been killed in the area while in some form walking alone at night time.



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