The wild tale of how a best selling author set out to prove a man’s innocence

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Proving one’s innocence is never quite the easy task. But when you’re an international best selling author the task can actually nearly wreck everything you’ve ever decidedly built for yourself. The Marshall Project has laid out a stunning piece on Sara Gruen, best-selling author of Water For Elephants.

Gruen ‘s quest to prove Charles Murdoch ‘s innocence began way back in 2015 after she received a fan-mail letter from him in the mail. Since then Gruen has set out on a years long quest to attempt to understand what happened to Murdoch and perhaps why.

The story gets pretty intense penned by a pal of Gruen. Gruen is now reportedly seriously ill; broke, and struggling to pay lawyers as she maintains a six year(s) long effort to prove his innocence.



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