New York has quietly begun Coronavirus antibody tests within grocery stores statewide

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Going grocery shopping anytime soon? You should probably be prepared for the likelihood that you may actually be tested for Coronavirus antibodies while doing so. On Saturday, it emerged that Governor Cuomo quietly ordered grocery stores across the state to test for said antibodies — something that has actually been occurring for a little while now.

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From what we understand, the testing appears to be mostly concentrated in Brooklyn; Queens, and parts of Uptown. Notably a huge chunk of the testing reportedly has occurred within Fine Fare Supermarkets.

The governors’ office has not announced such because they apparently want the tests to be done efficiently; quickly, and to the masses rather than incur lines wrapped around the block. According to the Department of Health, there are numerous other supermarkets participating but due to the intended efforts of the program they wouldn’t identify the names of those stores.



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