Matt Gaetz ‘s ex-girlfriend will cooperate with the feds: Report

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Matt Gaetz life just got a whole lot worse. According to CNN, Gaetz’s former girlfriend is set to reportedly cooperate with federal authorities as the investigation into Gaetz has now entered new territory. Multiple Gaetz associates have now already caved and confessed to sex trafficking (particularly Mr Greenberg) which paints an emerging dangerous picture for the embattled Congressman.

The woman is believed to be a Cap staffer and is connected to Gaetz clear back to 2017. 2017 is a critical point in the investigation against Gaetz though the timeline may actually go back much further than that.

“Congressman Gaetz doesn’t seem to be named nor referenced in Mr. Greenberg’s plea,” said Gaetz spokesman Harlan Hill. “Congressman Gaetz has never had sex with a minor and has never paid for sex. Mr. Greenberg has now pleaded guilty to falsely accusing someone else of sex with a minor. That person was innocent. So is Congressman Gaetz.”



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