Report: Toxic heavy metals found in some popular baby foods

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There’s a troubling new report out this weekend that paints a grim reality for those buying baby food. According to select House and Senate committees, examinations of several popular baby food brands have turned up signs of heavy metals in the products.

“Over the last decade advocates and scientists have brought this to the attention of the Food and Drug Administration,” Democratic Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi said. “The FDA must set standards and regulate this industry much more closely, starting now.”

According to an initial house panel investigation a number of baby food brands are being questioned.

Gerber, Beech-Nut, HappyBABY, and Earth’s Best Organic baby foods did; Plum Organics baby foods, Walmart’s Parent’s Choice, and Sprout Foods did not provide their results of an internal investigation.

You can view the whole report here.



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