Like our Netflix and HBO guide this week’s Hulu guide is here. This guide is brought to you by well nobody because there’s no sponsor this week because we actually spent our own time browsing the channels to keep you guys in the loop.
- Alaska Daily
If you’re into the whole investigative thriller thing then Alaska Daily is for you. Starring none other than Hillary Swank, Swank stars as an investigative reporter in the midst of Alaska investigating a series of unfortunate events. When those events lead to major stories, she must determine if they’re all worth it or not.
Rating: A+
Comments: Swank is superb!!!
2. The Handmaids Tale
This one needs no introduction as the new episodes have been posted online.
3. Hellraiser is back.
This one is a reboot of the original Hellraiser and we haven’t seen it yet but it is part of Spooktober over at Hulu. We’ll get back with our tidbit review in the next TV guide for Hulu on Friday as the weekend kicks off.
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