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A unanimous effort to increase COVID-19 stimulus checks to $2k has failed: Top Story

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With less than 7 calendar days to go until the expiration of the moratorium along with other relief programs brought on by the pandemic. As Christmas Eve rolled in, lawmakers on the Democratic side of the aisle pounced on the so-called announcement from Trump that he wanted larger checks sent out to people to the tune of $2k. Democrats acted swiftly announcing through various media channels; social efforts, and directly to their GOP counterparts that if they’d agree the bill would be signed by 12 noon today.

It failed. According to reports, the GOP in the House ultimately declined the efforts because they still argue that working Americans don’t need a check and that people essentially should just get a job. What they’re refusing to acknowledge is that most states including some of their own are now so hard hit by COVID getting a job is even harder than it was pre-pandemic in the United States.

The Washington Post reports that multiple deadlines loom in response to the spending bill that has been vetoed; the COVID bill, and the relief ultimately hoped for by millions of Americans. We’d like to remind people that COVID-19 is not something that your ordinary American created nor is it the fault of your everyday American — their job losses are not their fault.



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