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Sparking backlash online — gov’t says airlines can turn away emotional support animals

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A little publicized rule change takes effect in 30 days and it has created quite the stir online. On Wednesday, it was ruled that airlines can now demand that non- dog service animals must be put into the cargo area and fees must be paid on airlines. The move goes even further to note that airlines are now permitted to flat out tell customers pay up or send your animals home.

For those who have realized the rule change — the pushback has been swift. More Americans than ever before have various types of emotional support animals that are quite literally part of their travel journeys. The move doesn’t fully disqualify other animals from getting aboard, however, if the airline says so they won’t be able to board as a service animal and for free. According to reports, airlines have long claimed that people abuse the right to have a service animal and therefore they have long argued that as their basis for their support of the rule change.

We spoke to a few Twitter users who had allot to say but asked to remain anonymous. The general consensus here is as follows.

“To disqualify people based on what their animal is just seems ludicrous. There are genuine people who have various types of animals (beyond the few that have some pretty bizarre ones) that they depend on for support during travel. I have a fairly quiet cat that I often have taken as a service animals because he usually accompanies me everywhere due to my extreme anxiety. To tell me that I now either have to pay high fees or leave him at home because airlines are getting greedy is obnoxiously offensive.” – A Twitter User, Washington D.C, in response to news of the ruling by the U.S government.



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