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Good Dollar and the ambitious quest that launched a Universal Basic Income to the world

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Alright hang in there guys and gals —- we’re going to get pretty informative in this article. For starters, we’re going to introduce what’s called the (“Blockchain” and (“Cryptocurrency”.) We pooled some of you in a user poll and found that allot of you have a little misunderstanding of those two things in fact are. We’re mentioning them because they go hand in hand with a blockchain service called Good Dollar — that on a daily basis does exactly what one would assume by the name.

But back to the important thing. The Blockchain is a digital area of the (“world”) if you will where people trade; sell, and buy what is known as cryptocurrency. Think of it like the currency you’d find in one of your favourite games or the (“coins”) except in real life. Cryptocurrency is growing in popularity quickly and these days can often be used to transact; sell, trade, barter, and even transfer said coins into actual real life currency.

That’s where Good Dollar comes in. Each day, anyone with a cell phone number and an internet connection can connect to Good Dollar on the Blockchain and earn G coins’ every day. Those G coins are transactable and can be sold into actual currency when a user no longer wants them. The focus of “Good Dollar” is not to sell users something but instead its sole purpose is to provide a form of a Universal Basic Income to its users. Since September of this year, the service has added people from 40 countries and counting and is expected to balloon in the New Year.

Visit this link for more information; how to sign up, how daily earnings work, and more.

With the rise of the Coronavirus pandemic, the need for efforts to push income to people quickly has soared. With services like Good Dollar (see here) that now becomes possible at scale as it is also possible to earn real life money. No, you do not have to play some bizrare puzzle game on your phone; no you do not have to buy anything, and no there are no weird scheming start-ups fees. Good Dollar is a legitimate thing and has been found for a few months already. It was created by financial services organisation EToro.



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