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Biden is readying a monster stimulus push in his first 100 days

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Joe Biden in his first 100 days as President hopes to bring an ambitious stimulus plan to heel in America. Although the success of that political ambition sits solely at the hands of whether or not Republicans would be willing to actually do something that doesn’t benefit themselves for once and instead all of America.

CNN reports that Biden has a number of stimulus related things within his plan that haven’t been fully explained yet but are partially understood. Those stimulus plans, however, of course take a backseat to the growing problem that is now the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has taken such a dramatic foothold over the past month or so — that America may not have a way out vaccine or not.

In an interview with NBC News last week, Biden made it abundantly clear that stimulus talks were among his top priorities right after handling the pandemic.

“There’s multiple things that are going to be taking place at the same time,” Biden said. “But the most important thing, I think, is to focus on those folks, who are always, when crisis hits, are the first ones hit — and recovery comes to last.”



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